I have a table to display some information but I want the "ID" header to be able to reverse the order of the rows and when I click on the rows I can see specific information of the clicked row, the problem is that when I click on the "ID" header to reverse the order, the displayed information also changes, I guess because somehow the ID fo the row clicked is change, I don't know how to keep the clicked ID even if the order of the rows has changed,
<div class="dashboard">
<DashboardTable :projectData="projectData" :showProjectDetails="showProjectDetails"/>
<div v-if="shownDetails" class="project-details">
<h1> {{projectData[currentProjectId].name}}</h1>
import DashboardTable from '@/components/projects/table/DashboardTable'
export default {
name: 'Dashboard',
data () {
return {
shownDetails: false,
this.shownDetails = true;
this.currentProjectId = id;
the projectData is coming from the App.vue is an axios call with some data for the rows and i'm passing the "ShowProjectDetails(id) function to the DashboardTable and a button inside the table to be able to click and display the desired data.
<div class="table table-container" role="table" aria-label="Projects Dashboard">
<div class="table-header row-group" role="rowgroup">
<div class="project-id header-row first" role="columnheader" @click="reverseData">ID</div>
<div v-for="(project, idx) in projectData" :key="idx" class="id-1 table-content row-group" role="rowgroup">
<div class="project-id content-row first" role="cell"> {{project.id}} </div>
//here is the call back
<button @click="showProjectDetails(project.id)" aria-label="show project details" title="show project details" class="toggle-details"></button>
//and the method to reverse the data on the ID
this.projectData = this.projectData.reverse();
so the problem is that when I click the "ID" header to reverse the order the rows, the detailed view also changes with the order of rows and I would like to keep the view until another row is clicked again, not when the order changes.
thank you guys