I have inline table from database connection with vueJS. the plan is to make a duplicate of one of the rows. row was successfully duplicated with this.array.push (... ...)
but when I want to remove it in a way this ar.array.splice (index (from row), 1)
the deleted ones are the top or bottom, not the row in the index that was clicked on
- duplicate result
- after click button remove row duplicate antigua country which was previously duplicated instead disappears
- deleted and even antartica row, while the one i removed was row antigua
public duplicate(){
name: this.multipleSelection[0].name,
code: this.multipleSelection[0].code,
currencyId: this.multipleSelection[0].currencyId,
currencyName: this.multipleSelection[0].currencyName,
duplicate: true
public cancelDuplicate(item, index){
this.countries.splice(index, 1)