I'm setting up a python-influxdb-grafana stack for monitoring an instrument.
At the moment, I'm able to collect data, process them in python, send the processed output to influxdb and then show it on grafana.
Now I'd like to know if it's possible to show the complete last dataset in grafana.
Say for example that my instrument data are Gaussian-shaped: something like
[[-5., 0], [-4.5, 0], [-4., 0], [-3.5, 0], [-3., 0], [-2.5,
0.0175283], [-2., 0.053991], [-1.5, 0.129518], [-1.,
0.241971], [-0.5, 0.352065], [0, 0.398942], [0.5, 0.352065], [1.,
0.241971], [1.5, 0.129518], [2., 0.053991], [2.5, 0.0175283], [3.,
0], [3.5, 0], [4., 0], [4.5, 0], [5., 0]]
I can fit the data, get for example mu and sigma (0 and 1 in this example), send them to influxdb using the influxdb python library and show them in grafana as a function of time.
Now I'd like to send the whole dataset to influxdb (for example one dataset every 10 minutes) and plot it in grafana. Ideally, on grafana I'd like to be able to select a certain time and plot the corresponding Gaussian data.
Is this possible at all? I can't figure out how to store such a "big" dataset in the influxdb database, nor how to eventually plot it in grafana.