
I have various security cameras set to trigger when motion is detected. A program then grabs a still image from the camera, runs it through some deep learning stuff, and attempts to classify various objects in the image. I then log the results of the object classification into InfluxDB so I can use Grafana to browse how frequently various objects are detected, the classification confidence of the different objects, etc. The cameras process and classify a couple thousand motion events per day.

Here is a snippet of Python code that demonstrates my schema:

event_name = "object_detection"
camera_name = "front"
label = "person"

json_body = [{
'measurement': event_name,
'tags': {
    'camera': camera_name,
    'label': label,
'time': data['timestamp'],
'fields': {
    'confidence': prediction['confidence'],
    'min_confidence': prediction['min_confidence'],
    'alert': prediction['alert'],
    'y_min': prediction['y_min'],
    'x_min': prediction['x_min'],
    'y_max': prediction['y_max'],
    'x_max': prediction['x_max'],                

The problem I'm having is that I can't (easily) query this data in Grafana--I just get an empty dataset. But if I drilldown in the query inspector, I do see the data. It's just heavily nested.

Grafana screenshot

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong in InfluxDB or in Grafana? Interestingly, the InfluxDB Python library uses this example schema in the docs:

>>> json_body = [
        "measurement": "cpu_load_short",
        "tags": {
            "host": "server01",
            "region": "us-west"
        "time": "2009-11-10T23:00:00Z",
        "fields": {
            "value": 0.64

So now I'm confused? Should I breakout each of my field values into it's own datapoint? It would make querying in Grafana easier, but seems like an inefficient solution. What's the best option?


1 Answers


Data schema looks perfect. Only Grafana query can be a problem. But I'm not sure what are you trying to query. It looks like you are trying to find hourly confidence maximum. So it is normal, that InfluxDB return null for hour where you don't have any matched records. Use fill if you want to customize that behavior. Doc: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.8/query_language/explore-data/#group-by-time-intervals-and-fill