I just need the script (sendEmail02()) to collect data from the table of only the person whose mail is contained in column 2 and send him all the data in one letter, and so each person in turn. It is necessary that during the iteration, the addresses are read from column 2 and data is collected and sent in a separate letter to each recipient. It would be great if each user was sent only one letter at a time with the contents of all the necessary lines.
function sendEmail02() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheetID);
var ActiveSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
if (ActiveSheet.getName() == 'Sheet1') {
var StartRow = 2;
var RowRange = ActiveSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
var WholeRange = ActiveSheet.getRange(StartRow,1,RowRange,3);
var AllValues = WholeRange.getValues();
var message = "";
for (i in AllValues) {
var CurrentRow = AllValues[i];
if (CurrentRow[0] == "sent" && CurrentRow[1] != ""&& CurrentRow[2] != "") {
message +=
"<p><b> ???? </b>" +
"<p><b> Email: </b>" + CurrentRow[1] + "</p>" +
"<p><b> Text: </b>" + '<font color="green">' + CurrentRow[2] + '</font>' + "</p>" + "</p>
var setRow = parseInt(i) + StartRow;
ActiveSheet.getRange(setRow, 1).setValue("done");
var recipientsTO = '[email protected]'; // this must be collected from Col2.But how?
var SendTo = (MyEmail + "," + recipientsTO);
var Subject = "Hello" ;
if (message) {
bcc: SendTo,
subject: Subject,
htmlBody: message,
From the above code
var recipientsTO = '[email protected]'; // this must be collected from Col2.But how?