good day to all
I have script here, fyi I don't know much about writing functions. I've managed to frankenstein some scripts I found to get it working, sort of. It works with one function doing one sheet but as you will see i need it to do all 3 sheets and i get a too many triggers error when i duplicate the function.
I have 4 sheets in this doc, a control (Master), then 3 pulling data from that (AZ,CA,NH).
I then have a formula that pulls random lines from that data. on each of the 3 pages (AZ,CA,NH), I'm generating random inventory part cycle counts list.
I got the email working, then i did a workaround by adding a =today() and if statement to my formula to get it to recalculate on edits. and got a script to edit the workbook (replace a cell (G1) contents). works great.
Here is the problem. Can I condense this into one function? everything is the same across the pages (AZ,CA,NH), same # of rows and columns and same placement of data. Here is my code.
*Looks like I ran out of space on the code or something. I basically duplicated this 2 more times and changed the sheet name to "CA" & "NH" the function and triggers to email_ca() & email_nh() as well as myRecalculate()
//AZ Script
function email() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var bulk = ss.getSheetByName("AZ");
var lastrow = bulk.getLastRow();
var data1 = bulk.getRange(6, 7, lastrow).getValues(); // part number column
var report = ""
var email ="";
for(var i in data1){
if(data1[i]!="") email += "<tr><td style='padding:5px'>" + data1[i];
report ="<table><tr><th>Part Number</th></tr>" + email + "</table>";
"Cycle Count", report, {htmlBody: report});
function myRecalculate() {
// The code below opens a spreadsheet using its ID
// Note that the spreadsheet is NOT physically opened on the client side.
// It is opened on the server only (for modification by the script).
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("13SAt0XQgHQz1JRhXyvwbL6ASfnlLjvFXJQsHfYRM1nE");
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("AZ");
var cell = sheet.getRange('G1')