I'm trying to create a bot using the Azure Portal, trying to follow some tutorials from the documentation. Specifically, these:
Microsoft Docs https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/abs-quickstart?view=azure-bot-service-4.0
Azure 4 Everyone https://youtu.be/-FHc_lZ6jJY
When I got to the Azure portal and try to create a Web App Bot however, I am unable to choose a template. It seems to assume I want to create a QnA Bot, which is not the case. I've been doing tutorials and research for a few days; I'm pretty sure I recall this was not the case as of yesterday.
Did something get updated? Is using the Visual Studio template my only option now? I was hoping to use VS Code for the development once I downloaded the basic bot template.
Edit: I include a screenshot here of the blade I get when clicking "Create" on Web App Bot in the Marketplace.