in Excel's PowerQueryEditor I'm using an ODataFeed to connect to a MicrosoftProject Server. So far I've been able to filter my queries just fine using the eq operator. Earlier however when trying to filter for an ID I've encountered an issue that I've not been able to resolve since. What I tried so far:
&$filter=ResourceId eq '36e5e546-770e-e911-80ef-005056b222bb'
Error message:
An error occurred in the ‘’ query. DataSource.Error: OData: A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.Guid' and 'Edm.String' for operator kind 'Equal'
&$filter=ResourceId eq 36e5e546-770e-e911-80ef-005056b222bb
An error occurred in the ‘’ query. DataSource.Error: OData: Syntax error at position 22 in 'ResourceId eq 36e5e546-770e-e911-80ef-005056b222bb'.
Any help would be highly apreciated