
I'm trying to get a list of users with a certain license using the Microsoft Graph API. This can be tested using Graph Explorer .

This is a cropped example of what is returned for one user:

    "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#users/$entity",
    "id": "69615b5e-8b26-430c-ae89-4e626f5ba240",
    "accountEnabled": true,
    "assignedLicenses": [
            "disabledPlans": [],
            "skuId": "f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560"
            "disabledPlans": [],
            "skuId": "6fd2c87f-b296-42f0-b197-1e91e994b900"

I want to get a list of all users that have an assigned license with skuId of "f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560"

This is what I've tried so far:

https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=AssignedLicenses/any(a:a/SkuId eq 'f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560')

Gives me the error:

A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.Guid' and 'Edm.String' for operator kind 'Equal'.

https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=AssignedLicenses/any(a:a/SkuId eq f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560)

Gives me the error:

')' or ',' expected at position 42 in 'assignedLicenses/any(a:a/skuId eq f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560)'.

https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=AssignedLicenses/any(a:a/SkuId eq cast('f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560',Edm.Guid))

Give me the error:

The child type 'Edm.Guid' in a cast was not an entity type. Casts can only be performed on entity types.

This SO post suggests that my first try would work but it doesn't. Am I doing something wrong or is it just not possible to filter by license assignment?


1 Answers


Based on the document, it seems this properties doesn't support filter since the other properties which support filter, the document will mentioned in the description filed like accountEnabled of user resource type( refer this link).

You can submit the feedback from here if you want this property support filter.