
I have an ECS Fargate service running the jetbrains/teamcity-agent image. This is connected to my TeamCity Host which is running on an EC2 instance(windows).

When I check whether the agent is capable of running docker commands, it shows the following errors:

Unmet requirements: docker.server.osType contains linux docker.server.version exists

Under Agent Parameters -> Configuration Parameters, I can see the docker version and the dockerCompose.version properly. Is there a setting that I am missing?

enter image description here


2 Answers


If you are trying to access a docker socket in fargate, Fargate does not support running docker commands, there is a proposed ticket for this feature.

the issue with "docker.server.osType" not showing up usually means that the docker command run from the agent cannot connect with the docker daemon running. This is usually due to a lack of permissions, as docker by default only allows connections from root and users of the group docker



I was facing similar issues got them fixed by adding "build agent" user in "docker" group and restarted/rebooted the server.

Where build agent user ==> Means the user with which your TeamCity services are running.

Command to add a user to group

#chmod -a -G docker <userasperyourrequirement>

Command to reboot the server:

 #init 6