
I've asked this question on Gitter, but answer directed me to the documentation I followed.

I'm administrator of TeamCity 2017.2.2 with agents running on Windows 10 (except one on 7). I installed allure-teamcity plugin version 2.6 and added allure tools in version 2.6 as described in the documentation.

The problem is the tool is propagated to the agent on upgrade, but not the plugin itself. Main server shows me the runner I can use as a build step, but once configured none of agents accept this configuration. I've checked agent directory and logs - the plugin is not there and logs doesn't indicate that there was even attempt to pull.

As a holder of commercial license I asked JetBrains technical support, but they told me I need to ask Allure authors. GitHub sends people to Gitter and here, hence the question after unlucky attempt on Gitter.

What do I need to do to get the plugin correctly pulled and working on agents?

Is allure plugin even compatible with TeamCity 2017.2.2?


1 Answers


The problem is that Allure TeamCity plugin looks for a tool called allure-commandline. So you need to make sure that allure-commandline.zip is present in your <TeamCity Data Directory>/plugins/.tools directory.