I have this Python code. It's supposed to work as is - making a connection to a remote server and sending a packet and checking latency on the response.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(20) ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s, keyfile="client_MY.key", certfile="client_MY.crt", ca_certs="CA_MY_chain.crt", cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) ssl_sock.connect(('', 2500)) # fake IP addy # ... onward to sending & receiving a packet...
Edit: After getting the correct IP address, the above python code works and returns a packet successfully.
Edit: The PHP code is returning a valid socket now, after adding 'verify_peer_name.
Now I need to convert some python code that builds the message using pack()
Here's what I've done so far in converting Python to PHP:
$transport = "ssl"; $ip = ""; $port = "2500"; $timeout = 5; $local_pk = "client_MY.key"; $local_cert = "client_MY.crt"; // Path to certificate $cafile = "CA_MY_chain.crt"; //dd("openssl s_client -connect $ip:$port -cert $local_cert -key $local_pk -CAfile $cafile -showcerts -state"); // openssl s_client -connect -cert client_MY.crt -key client_MY.key -CAfile CA_MY_chain.crt -showcerts -state $context = stream_context_create( array( $transport=>array( 'local_cert'=> $local_cert, 'local_pk'=> $local_pk, 'cafile'=>$cafile, 'verify_peer'=>true, 'verify_peer_name'=>false ) ) ); if ($socket = stream_socket_client( "$transport://$ip:$port", $errno, $errstr, $timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context) ) { fwrite($socket, "\n"); echo fread($socket,8192); fclose($socket); } else { echo "ERROR: $errno - $errstr\n"; }
My question is: Have I ported/migrated the code to PHP correctly? I don't know what to use in the place of "cert_reqs" as well. I'm also not certain I've done the keys/cert files correctly either.
I have tried the commented out openssl call on the CLI and that does not do anything. It's like telnet'ing to a mail server. Except no matter what I enter, nothing is returned. A bunch of things get echo'd out after I hit ctrl-c.