Assume that I need to insert the following document:
title: 'Péter'
(note the é)
It gives me an error when I use the following PHP-code ... :
$db->collection->insert(array("title" => "Péter"));
... because it needs to be utf-8.
So I should use this line of code:
$db->collection->insert(array("title" => utf8_encode("Péter")));
Now, when I request the document, I still have to decode it ... :
$document = $db->collection->findOne(array("_id" => new MongoId("__someID__")));
$title = utf8_decode($document['title']);
Is there some way to automate this process? Can I change the character-encoding of MongoDB (I'm migrating a MySQL-database that's using cp1252 West Europe (latin1)?
I already considered changing the Content-Type-header, problem is that all static strings (hardcoded) aren't utf8...
Thanks in advance! Tim