


Dialog image


4.6.0 Using directline to use in website

Describe the bug

I am trying to trigger a waterfall dialog during the intro of the bot session. I want to show a few suggestive card options along with an intro and use waterfall to follow those steps. But unfortunately, the suggestive actions are not getting triggered? Is it because maybe I need to pass the context to the dialog and trigger the suggestive actions from that context instead of the dialog context?

if I send a normal text message from the dialog it works fine but not the suggestive action return await step.context.sendActivity('Welcome' );

Expected behavior

When I load the bot in the web I expect to see the bot greets me some suggestive card options. It has to trigger the WELCOME dialog and display the suggestive actions

Where the suggestive Action is working

For example: if I trigger the suggestive action inside async onTurn directly without calling the dialog then it works fine. But if I do it this way I will not be able to followup the clicks on the suggestive actions to steps so i wanted to call the dialog and do the activity within the waterfall dialog

  async onTurn(context) {
if (context.activity.name === 'webchat/join') {
var suggestlist = [{
                    type: ActionTypes.PostBack,
                    title: ji18n('option 1'),
                    value: { id: '1000000', type: 'option1' }

                var suggestedAction = MessageFactory.suggestedActions(suggestlist);

                return await step.context.sendActivity(suggestedAction);

Have you tried sending the same suggestive actions in other dialogs and that works fine? If so try sending them in this dialog without await step.context.sendActivity(suggestedAction) and then return await step.endDialog();Marc Asmar
@MarcAsmar Yes it works in other places but not when I am trying to show the suggestive action within a dialog. I have updated the question with some scenario where its working.user9463688

1 Answers


The title property of your suggestList requires a string value, however ji18n() returns an object. I believe this is what is blocking your suggestedAction from rendering.

Consider implementing the following, as referenced in the doc:

.addDialog( new WaterfallDialog(MAIN_WATERFALL_DIALOG, [
  async ( step ) => {
    const activity = step.context.activity;

    const input = {
      "option1": [{
        "$": {
          "en-US": `This is "option 1" in English`,
          "fr-FR": `Il s'agit de "l'option 1" en anglais`

    const output = ji18n(input, activity.locale)
    console.log('Output ', output['option1'][0])

    const suggestList = [{
      type: ActionTypes.PostBack,
      title: output['option1'][0],
      value: { id: '1000000', type: 'option1' }

    const suggestedAction = MessageFactory.suggestedActions( suggestList )
    return await step.context.sendActivity( suggestedAction );

English result returned as output & button title:

enter image description here

enter image description here

French result returned as output & button title:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Hope of help!