I am using the bot framework of V4. using an API call, I'm trying to get data and display it to the user and I defined a custom method to capture data from API and preprocess it, before sending it to the user through waterfall dialog and I made this method async and also using await where it is being called.
There are 2 scenarios where I'm facing the issue -
When two users send questions at an instance one of the responses captured as null instead of value acquired from API.
We are using the suggestive card to display result and when the user clicks on button cross-session was observed sporadically. Help in this area is much appreciated.
The custom method defined to make API call and get data:
public static async Task<string>
GetEPcallsDoneAsync(ConversationData conversationData)
LogWriter.LogWrite("Info: Acessing end-points");
string responseMessage = null;
conversationData.fulFillmentMap = await
AnchorUtil.GetFulfillmentAsync(xxxxx);//response from API call to get data
if (conversationData.fulFillmentMap == null || (conversationData.fulFillmentMap.ContainsKey("status") && conversationData.fulFillmentMap["status"].ToString() != "200"))
responseMessage = "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later!";
conversationData.NLGresultMap = await
AnchorUtil.GetNLGAsync(conversationData.fulFillmentMap ,xxxx);//API call to get response to be displayed
if (conversationData.errorCaptureDict.ContainsKey("fulfillmentError") || conversationData.NLGresultMap.ContainsKey("NLGError"))
responseMessage = "Sorry, something went wrong:( Please try again later!!!";
responseMessage = FormatDataResponse(conversationData.NLGresultMap["REPLY"].ToString()); //response message
return responseMessage;
catch (HttpRequestException e)
LogWriter.LogWrite("Error: " + e.Message);
System.Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);
return null;
And the waterfall step of dialog class where the above function is being called:
private async Task<DialogTurnResult> DoProcessInvocationStep(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
conversationData.index = 0; //var for some other purpose
conversationData.result = await
await _conversationStateAccessor.SetAsync(stepContext.Context, conversationData, cancellationToken);
return await stepContext.NextAsync(cancellationToken);
ConversationData contains variables that are required to process data through waterfall dialogs, values to the object has been set and accessed through accessor as below in each step:
In a dialog class,
public class TopLevelDialog : ComponentDialog
private readonly IStatePropertyAccessor<ConversationData> _conversationStateAccessor;
ConversationData conversationData;
public TopLevelDialog(ConversationState conversationState)
: base(nameof(TopLevelDialog))
_conversationStateAccessor = conversationState.CreateProperty<ConversationData>(nameof(ConversationData));
AddDialog(new TextPrompt(nameof(TextPrompt)));
AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(nameof(ChoicePrompt)));
AddDialog(new ReviewSelectionDialog(conversationState));
AddDialog(new ESSelectionDialog());
AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(nameof(WaterfallDialog), new WaterfallStep[]
InitialDialogId = nameof(WaterfallDialog);
private async Task<DialogTurnResult> StartSelectionStepAsync (WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
conversationData = await _conversationStateAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new ConversationData());
//code for functionality
await _conversationStateAccessor.SetAsync(stepContext.Context, conversationData, cancellationToken);
return await stepContext.NextAsync(null, cancellationToken);
//other dialog steps
file as well – mdrichardsonDoProcessInvocationStep
seems to refer to a global variable. This is likely the cause of "cross session". Almost definitely. Are you getting any errors from your Logger? It looks like the API returnsnull
on an error, which would explain that point. – mdrichardson