
Has anyone figured out how to actually 'use the Classic Editor' once you've gone through the effort of creating a YAML pipeline? I have two YAML pipelines I'm trying to link so pipe A kicks off after a successful completion of pipe B.

According to Microsoft's own documentation:

Build completion triggers are not yet supported in YAML syntax. After you create your YAML build pipeline, you can use the classic editor to specify a build completion trigger.

If it was a snake, it probably would have bit me, but I'm at a loss where/how/if "use the classic editor" is possible AFTER creating the pipeline in strictly YAML.


Microsoft's blurb regarding Build completion triggers


1 Answers


Edit: Micorosft provides a new way - pipeline resource:

In the following example, we have two pipelines - app-ci (the pipeline defined by the YAML snippet) and security-lib-ci (the pipeline referenced by the pipeline resource). We want the app-ci pipeline to run automatically every time a new version of the security library is built in the master branch or any releases branch.

# this is being defined in app-ci pipeline
  - pipeline: securitylib   # Name of the pipeline resource
    source: security-lib-ci # Name of the pipeline referenced by the pipeline resource
      - releases/*
      - master

Check here more info.

Old answer:

When you edit the YAML click on Triggers:

enter image description here

There add the trigger:

enter image description here