
Some time ago Azure DevOps have added a support for YAML build pipelines. This is all nice for power users (I get it, pros only use command line & plain text tools, GUI is for weak) for quite a few reasons.

Is there a way to go back to a GUI (classic editor) to edit an existing pipeline? I have disabled the feature

enter image description here

as described here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/get-started-designer?view=azure-devops&tabs=new-nav , however it only helps for new pipelines.

Somehow I haven't yet memorized the syntax and entire set of configuration options for pipeline definitions, so...

I'd like to edit my existing pipeline using the GUI, as I don't have time to read the docs and look for what exactly string do I need to add into which place of YAML in order to set some simple options, however, I am always taken to the YAML view when I try to edit a pipeline (which was created visually some time ago).

Is there a way to open the GUI editor?


4 Answers


for a pipeline thats using yaml - no. you can only configure it in yaml and you can not switch back to UI experience.

If the pipeline is UI - it will continue to work as it was working.


There is a link in the Create New Pipeline blade. Click on the "Use the classic editor" link and voila you will get the GUI to work on!

enter image description here


You won't be able to use the GUI as it did in the classic editor, but you can click the hyperlinks above your yaml tasks to pop the properties window on the side pane. It's basically a 'designer' for your yaml blocks, so you don't need to 'memorize' anything per se.

enter image description here


As far as pipelines go, MS made the determination to keep the Yaml vs classic (UI) methods of editing entirely separate workflows. Personally, I like having both as an option and see the YAML modifications as a quick and easy way to use pipeline as code and for some make spot modifications, but i think removing the UI will limit their product adoption as sometimes its easiest to master a pipeline first in the ui. Anyway, most pipelines are not SO many steps recreation is prohibitive I would recommend just recreate the pipeline in another tab in your browser. Just look for the reference at creation time for Classic Editor. It asks one time then after that you're in the lane.