I am working on an Alexa skill for declension of German nouns. Recently I've submitted a beta version for the certification review. The skill failed the review, one of the issues was with help message:
The skill does not return a help prompt that instructs users on how to navigate further into the skill’s core functionality.
Steps to Reproduce:
User: "Alexa, starte deutsche deklination"
Skill: " Welches Wort soll ich deklinieren? "
User: "hilfe"
The skill closes the session and there is no tts response.
Ok, I get the critique, but I fail to reproduce this in Test section of the Alexa Developer Console. I've tried the described "Steps to Reproduce". The skill is invoked with "starte deutsche deklination" as it should be. But then when I input "hilfe", the skill does not seem to be invoked at all. This is how it looks in the Alexa Developer Console:
As you can see, Skill I/O is empty. I can also confirm that the skill lambda function is not invoked as there are no log messages in CloudWatch log stream.
I'm completely puzzled. How do I actuall invoke AMAZON.HelpIntent
"Steps to Reproduce" suggested in Amazon Certification Feedback does not seem to work - at least not in Alexa Developer Console.
If this helps, my skill is open source and can be found here:
AMAZON.HelpIntent handler: