
I'm quite a beginner to Alexa skill set. Trying to add a node.js skill to Alexa following few nuggets from the internet. I have created skill on amazon developer console and trying to create aws lambda function on aws console. Surprisingly, when I tried creating a lambda function, I could not find any blueprint matching to "Alexa" keyword.

Here are the steps -: 1.Got to aws.amazon.com and log in 2. Search for the Lambda service and go to it 3. Click on Create a function 4. Click on Blueprints 5. Search for “Alexa”

I did some research and it says, changing to North. Virginia region could help but no luck so far.

Any such leads would be really appreciated.


2 Answers


if you are unable to find "alexa-skills-kit-nodejs-factskill" under the section "Use a blueprint", please look for it under the section "Browse serverless app repository",it doesnt matters whatever the location you choose.


Use cloudformation application templates instead. Though they are still outdated (like the blueprints out there). My advice is that you create an Alexa Hosted Skill instead