
I'm trying to define an object with a symbol as key-type since MDN says:

A symbol value may be used as an identifier for object properties [...]

But using it as type for the key-property:

type obj = {
    [key: symbol | string]: string

results in the following error:

TS1023: An index signature parameter type must be either 'string' or 'number'.

even it can be used as index-type. I'm using the latest typescript version (v3.7.2), related questions I've found:

I've also took a look at the typescript symbol docs but they only show how it's used as value, not as type.


const obj = {} as {
    [key: number | symbol]: string // Won't work

const sym = Symbol('My symbol');
obj[sym] = 'Hi';

Issue on Microsoft/TypeScript

Open feature request

I think TypeScript only supports specific symbols in its object type declarations. Do you really want any symbol? Maybe show an example of how you want to use your type obj - I doubt that all symbol-keyed properties will be strings.Bergi
@Bergi I've added an example, maybe I've overseen something but I can't find a way to bring ts to accept a symbol (without using any which is bad practice).Simon
am not sure if am right but did you try using Map<Symbol,String> as we have Map , if that would serve the purpose of what you are trying to achievepavan kumar
Same issue for me, I guess the annoying part is the false advertising of how "TS is a superset of JS" - well, not exactly. this is a perfect example of that.Patrick

2 Answers


Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment in TypeScript. If you have to interoperate with some APIs that expect this or really want to use symbols as keys, you can do this awkward version:

// Ensure we can not pass regular map to our custom functions
type SymbolMapTag = { readonly symbol: unique symbol }

type SymbolMap = SymbolMapTag & {
    [Key in string | number | symbol]: string;

function set_symbol<T extends SymbolMap, TSym extends symbol>
(target: T, sym: TSym, value: T[TSym]) {
    target[sym] = value;

function get_symbol<T extends SymbolMap, TSym extends symbol>
(target: T, sym: TSym): T[TSym] {
    return target[sym];

const symbol_map = {} as SymbolMap;

const sym = Symbol('My symbol');
set_symbol(symbol_map, sym, "hi");
get_symbol(symbol_map, sym); // string

type NonSymbolMap = {
    [Key in string | number]: string;

const non_symbol_map = {} as NonSymbolMap;
set_symbol(non_symbol_map, sym, "hi"); // error
get_symbol(non_symbol_map, sym); // error

TypeScript 4.4 allows symbols in index signatures:

type SymbolIndex = {
    [key: symbol | string]: string // works

const sym = Symbol("descr");
const t1: SymbolIndex = {
    "foo": "bar",
    [Symbol.iterator]: "qux",
    sym: "sym"

// all result in string


With older versions, SymbolIndex will trigger an error:

An index signature parameter type must be either 'string' or 'number'.(1023)


If you just want an object type with symbols and no index signature, you can already do that today:

const sym = Symbol() // note const (no let) 
type O = {
    foo: string
    [Symbol.iterator]: string
    [sym]: number

let o: O = { [sym] : 3, [Symbol.iterator]: "bar", foo: "qux"}

let { [sym]: symVal } = o
