From what I understand about Neural Networks, you have a number of hidden layers which each consist of X neurons. A neuron takes in a number of inputs and prospective weights, then using an activation function (sigmoid in my case) gives an output.
My task is to implement a network from scratch (only using numpy), with 2 hidden layers, sigmoid activation function and 500 neurons in each hidden layer. What I don't understand is, how can I implement the concept of neurons? According to this article, one neuron is when all inputs are weighted and are passed into the activation function. So do I feed in the same inputs, 500 times, with different weights each time (in the first layers, then again in the second)? I've also read this topic, where the following is said:
The neuron is nothing more than a set of inputs, a set of weights, and an activation function. The neuron translates these inputs into a single output, which can then be picked up as input for another layer of neurons later on.
So according to this, I indeed should weigh the inputs differently, 500 times, and then pass these forward to the next layer which will do the same. Am I understanding this correctly?
Here is the code I have written so far (it is very elementary but I did not want to proceed further before I clear this up), but have no idea how I would be implementing this:
class NeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self, data, y, neurons, hidden):
self.input = data
self.y = y
self.output = np.zeros(y.shape)
self.layers = hidden
self.neurons = neurons
self.weights = self.generateWeightArray()
def generateWeightArray(self):
weightarr = []
#Last weight array is for inbetween hidden and output layer
for i in range(self.layers + 1):
return np.asarray(weightarr)
def generateWeightMatrix(self):
return np.random.rand(self.input.shape[0], self.input.shape[1]-1)
def sigmoid(self, x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
def dsigmoid(self, x):
return self.sigmoid(x)*(1-self.sigmoid(x))
def train(self):
def run(self):
#Since between each layer we have a matrix of weights, we can just keep going for the number of hidden
#layers we have
for i in range(self.layers):
out =, self.weights[i]).transpose() #step1
self.input = self.sigmoid(out) #step2
net = NeuralNetwork(np.array([[1,2,3,4],[3,5,1,2],[5,6,7,8]]), np.array([1,0,1]), 500, 2)
I have changed my code as follows
class NeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self, data, y, neurons, hidden):
self.input = data
self.y = y
self.output = np.zeros(y.shape)
self.layers = hidden
self.neurons = neurons
self.weights_to_hidden = np.random.rand(self.neurons, self.input.shape[1])
self.weights = self.generateWeightArray()
self.weights_to_output = np.random.rand(self.neurons,1)
#Generate a matrix with h+1 weight matrices, where h is the number of hidden layers (+1 for output)
def generateWeightArray(self):
weightarr = []
#Last weight array is for inbetween hidden and output layer
for i in range(self.layers):
return np.asarray(weightarr)
#Generate a matrix with n columns and m rows, where n is the number of features and m is the number of neurons
#in the layer
def generateWeightMatrix(self):
return np.random.rand(self.neurons, self.neurons)
def sigmoid(self, x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
def dsigmoid(self, x):
return self.sigmoid(x)*(1-self.sigmoid(x))
def train(self):
#2 hidden layers, then hidden -> output layer
hidden_in = self.sigmoid(, self.weights_to_hidden.transpose()).transpose())
print("Going into hidden layer:")
for i in range(self.layers):
in_hidden = self.sigmoid(, self.weights[i]).transpose())
print("After ",str(i+1), " hidden layer:")
out = self.sigmoid(, self.weights_to_output).transpose())
net = NeuralNetwork(np.array([[1,2,3,4],[3,5,1,2],[5,6,7,8]]), np.array([1,0,1]), 5, 2)
And the output after running is
[[0.89405222 0.89501672 0.89717842]]
I'm not sure if self.weights_to_output
has the correct shape though because its a (n,1)
, so all features (in each record) will have the same weight, rather than having 3 weights for each row (?)