
I am working on react native application where using Formik and Yup for forms. I want to update one state value depending on the form's value while submitting a form.

Issue Description::

It works fine if there is no validation error, but there is one address field and depending on that field I have added a hidden field "zipcode". I want to show zipcode input text field if my address is empty.


const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({
    address: Yup.string()
        .required('Address should not be empty'),
    zipcode: Yup.string()
        .matches(regExp, errMgs.specialCharNotAllowed),
    apt: Yup.string()
        .matches(regExp, errMgs.specialCharNotAllowed)

Inside render function::

    onSubmit={(data) => this.onSubmitForm(data)}
    ref={el => (this.form = el)}
    render={({ handleSubmit, values, setValues, setFieldValue, errors, touched, ...props }) => {
        return (
                    onPress={(data, detail) => this.onPressOfAddress(data, detail)}
                    onChangeText={(value) => setFieldValue('address', value)}
                {errors.address && touched.address && <ErrorText message={errors.address} />}
                {isZipCode &&
                        <TextInput placeholder="Zipcode" textContentType="postalCode" name="zipcode" type="text" onValueChange={(value) => this.onChangeZipcode(value)} />
                        {errors.zipcode && touched.zipcode && <ErrorText message={errors.address} />}
                <TextInput placeholder="apt" textContentType="streetAddressLine1" name="apt" type="text" onValueChange={(value) => setFieldValue('apt', value)} />
                <Button onPress={handleSubmit} block large variant="success">SAVE</Button>
                <Button onPress={() => popScreen(this.props.componentId)} block large variant="danger">CANCEL</Button>

I want to show zip code input with error when my address is empty on submission, means when there is a validation error in the form. How can I do this?


1 Answers


I want to show zipcode input text field if my address is empty.

You can have 2 cases:

1 - Check for address errors and only display the zipCode if address is not valid

To do that, you should get the error of the address field.

Instead of {isZipCode && (...)} you should do {errors.address && touched.address && (...)}, which is when the adress field is empty.

2 - After the first submit, if address is not valid, always show zipCode

Other solution is to manually trigger validation with validateForm the will come from the render function.


<button type="button" onClick={() => validateForm().then(() => {
    console.log('Check for errors and Update State of isZipCode')
    Submit Button

You can also validate only one field with validateField('fieldName'), so maybe only check for address and set the state depending on the errors.