
I created an AWS Lambda function which invokes the endpoint of ML model I created in sagemaker. I tested it and it's working fine. Next I created REST API that calls this lambda function. I set any authentication type as NONE. Anyone with the url can access it. I created it following this aws blog. I tested my url in postman. It's working fine in postman but when I entered the url in chrome, its throwing {"message":"Missing Authentication Token"} error. Can someone please tell how do I get rid of that error while testing my url in chrome

Kindly post your POSTMAN request, also are you attaching token with your request?Prabhjot Singh Kainth
it's got absolutely nothing to do with the token.Thales Minussi

1 Answers


The error is misleading. It's got absolutely nothing to do with tokens. What is actually happening is that the URL you are trying to access is invalid.

API Gateway's URL looks like this: https://xxxxxxx.execute-api.some-region.amazonaws.com/your-stage but it's very likely that you created an endpoint on API Gateway, which would then be accessible via https://xxxxxxx.execute-api.some-region.amazonaws.com/your-stage/YOUR_ENDPOINT

If you hit the base URL or a path which does not exist, you will get that weird, misleading Missing Authentication Token message.

So, long story short, hit a valid path for your API and it should work just fine.

Tip: maybe you are doing a POST request via Postman but whenever you try with the browser it issues a GET request, which would also result in an invalid path and therefore the Missing Authentication Token message.