I am using API Gateway to build a REST API to communicate with a deployed aws sagemaker model via aws lambda. When I test the Method (Method Test Results) my lambda function returns the required results. I've definitely deployed the API and I'm using the correct invoke URL with the resource name appended (Method Invoke URL). Finally I have checked all the auth settings for this method request (Method Auth Settings). When I input the invoke URL into the browser or try to call the REST API (from cloud9 IDE -- a web app I am developing) I get this error: {"message":"Missing Authentication Token"} (URL Response)
My API is very simple, only one POST request, it does not contain any other resources or methods. I tried also setting up the method under '/' but had the same issue.
There are a lot of people out there with this issue, and I've spent a while reading through similar posts - but the solutions boil down to the issues I've checked above. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated!