I'm trying to process some events in a sliding window with kafka stream but I think i don't understand some details of kafka streams so I'm not able to do what I want.
What I have :
- input topic of events with key/value like (Int, Person)
What I want :
- read these events within a sliding window of 10 minutes
- process each element in the sliding window
- filter and count some element, fire some event to an other kafka topic (like if a wrong value is detected)
To be simple: get all the events in a sliding window of 10 minutes, do a foreach on them, compute some stats/events in the context of the window, go to the next window...
What I tried : I tried to mix the Stream and the processor API like :
val streamBuilder = new StreamsBuilder()
streamBuilder.stream[Int, Person](topic)
.groupBy((_, value) => PersonWrapper(value.id, value.name))
.windowedBy(TimeWindows.of(10 * 60 * 1000L).advanceBy(1 * 60 * 1000L))
// now I have a window of (PersonWrapper, Person) right ?
And now I'd add a processor to this topology to process each events of the sliding window. I don't understand what is TimeWindowStream and why we should have a KGroupedStream to apply a Window on events. If someone can enlight me about Kafka stream and what I'm trying to do.