When defining a topology in kafka streams, a global state store can be added. It will need a source topic as well as a ProcessorSupplier
The processor receive records and could theorically transform them before adding them to the store. But in case of restoration, the records are directly inserted from the source topic (changelog) into the global state store, skipping eventual transformation done in the processor.
+-------------+ +-------------+ +---------------+
| | | | | global |
|source topic -------------> processor +--------------> state |
|(changelog) | | | | store |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +---------------+
| ^
| |
record directly inserted during restoration
StreamsBuilder#addGlobalStore(StoreBuilder storeBuilder, String topic, Consumed consumed, ProcessorSupplier stateUpdateSupplier) Adds a global StateStore to the topology.
As per documentation
NOTE: you should not use the Processor to insert transformed records into the global state store. This store uses the source topic as changelog and during restore will insert records directly from the source. This ProcessorNode should be used to keep the StateStore up-to-date.
In parallel as major bug is currently open on the kafka bug tracker : KAFKA-7663 Custom Processor supplied on addGlobalStore is not used when restoring state from topic which explains exactly what is stated in the documentation, but seems to be an accepted bug.
I am wondering if KAFKA-7663 is indeed a bug or not. According to the documentation, it seems to have been designed like this, in which case I struggle to understand the use case.
Can someone explain the major use cases of this low level API? Only thing I can think of is to process side effects, like for example, doing some log operations in the processor.
Bonus question: If source topic acts as the changelog of the global store, when a record is deleted from the topic because the retention has expired, will it be removed from the global state store? Or does the removal will only take place in the store after a full store restoration from changelog.