In Swiper demos, slides snap to the left of the screen until you get to the final slides, which are prevented from snapping to left because (I presume) Swiper doesn't want to show whitespace down the righthand side:
Slide 10 will never snap to the left side
In my opinion it feels like a bug to the user, especially when you trigger slide to slide 10 and it only pops into the right side.
The workarounds I've found are to either add a blank slide, or to add margin-right to the final slide, so then slide will snap to the left side:
.swiper-slide:last-child {
margin-right: calc(100vw - 300px);
Add margin-right to last slide
Add blank slide at end
Use loop functionality and then hide duplicates
Is there a better or built-in way to do? this without having to use a workaround?
I want to change this spacing dynamically later and if you change it manually, then you have to call swiper.update() causing layout updates. Also my current workaround requires you to know the width of the slides, or use custom javascript to calculate the widths. So a built-in or responsive solution would be preferable!