
I'm pretty new to writing functions in r. I've come up with a sample function. I'm looking for help with the following:

  • I have a function that has character choices that can be one of a selection of specific choices
  • I want to check that the choice is a part of that character vector of choices (without title case mattering)
  • I'd also like to use glue::glue if possible so that I can be more specific with my error message. Example below.

Can you also show me the difference in code to write errors if only 1 choice is allowed in the character vector, or more than one choice is allowed?


sample_function <- function(choice = c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")) {

allowed_choices <- c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")

# match to lowercase 
choice <- str_to_lower(choice)

if(!choice %in% allowed_choices){
  stop("Please choose Apples, Bananas, or Cherries")


sample_function(choice = "Test")
#> Error in sample_function(choice = "Test"): Please choose Apples, Bananas, or Cherries
Created on 2019-11-18 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Can I do something like the below in the stop message. I'd want the character vector to be separated by commas:

glue::glue("{choice} is not a valid choice.  Please choose from: {allowed_choices}")

3 Answers


There is a glue function glue_collapse for collapsing vectors like this with an "or" (or something else) before the last element

sample_function <- function(choice = c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")) {

  allowed_choices <- c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")
  allowed_choices_coll <- glue_collapse(allowed_choices, sep = ', ', last = ' or ')

  # match to lowercase 
  choice <- str_to_lower(choice)
  if(!choice %in% allowed_choices){
      glue::glue("{choice} is not a valid choice.  Please choose from: {allowed_choices_coll}")


sample_function(choice = 'mango')

# Error in sample_function(choice = "mango") : 
#   mango is not a valid choice.  Please choose from: apples, bananas or cherries

I tend to do something like the following:

sample_function <- function(choice = c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")) {
  allowed_choices <- c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")

  extra_choices <- setdiff(choice, allowed_choices)
  if (length(extra_choices)) {
    stop("unrecognized 'choice': ", paste(sQuote(extra_choices), collapse = ","))
    # optional alternative
    stop("'choice' must be from ", paste(sQuote(allowed_choices), collapse = ","))

assuming that you are allowing more than one choice.

Whether you use glue or not is up to you, but the paste(..., collapse) thing might be useful.


We can collapse with str_c from stringr and use that in the glue


sample_function <- function(choice = c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")) {

allowed_choices <- c("apples", "bananas", "cherries")

# match to lowercase 
choice <- str_to_lower(choice)

concat_choices <- str_c(allowed_choices, collapse=", ")

if(!choice %in% allowed_choices){
  stop(glue::glue("{choice} is not a valid choice.  Please choose from: {concat_choices}"))



sample_function(choice = "Test")

Error in sample_function(choice = "Test") : test is not a valid choice. Please choose from: apples, bananas, cherries