I am trying to execute linking of C++ and Python with BOOST.
Using the example from https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_63_0/libs/python/doc/html/tutorial/tutorial/hello.html#tutorial.hello.let_s_jam, and issuing bjam at ~/libs/python/example/tutorial/ which contains these files:
hello.cpp hello.py Jamfile
The read-out from the console error is:
in load ERROR: rule "Copyright" unknown in module "xml".
Here is what I undertook to solve this problem:
I built boost from boost_1_71_0.tar.bz2 using the ./b2 file in the directory /boost/boost_1_71_0/ which is dated November 14, 2019.
My Ubuntu 18.04 system has a b2 link at /usr/bin/b2 -> bjam, which is older (March 6, 2018) and the bjam file (March 6, 2018).
No other bjam files exist on the system.
From bjam for boost 1.54, I tried:
sudo-apt install bjam
error: E: Package 'bjam' has no installation candidate.
All the programs in the user-config.jam file (e.g., c++, msvc/code, python3) are correct, which is located in my /home/benjamin/boost/boost_1_71_0/tools/build/example/.
For pity's sake and to help me (newbie), please advise.
apt-get build-dep ..
allows you to install all build dependencies for a package, which should be sufficient for building from raw sources as well. – Ulrich Eckhardtapt search libboost
should give you an overview of available packages. I'm not a Ubuntu user though, so I can't say if it offers other frontends thanapt
, too. As I said, this may well be more suitable to e.g. superuser.com or a Ubuntu-specific forum. – Ulrich Eckhardt