I am trying to follow this tutorial on wrapping C++ code for python for Windows.I installed python.Downloaded the latest version of boost(1_55).First I ran bootstrap.bat to build bjam.exe.Next, I configured boost_1_55_0\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam to use msvc10 compiler and added the path to python installation. Now,based on the tutorial :
Now we are ready... Be sure to cd to libs/python/example/tutorial where the tutorial "hello.cpp" and the "Jamroot" is situated.
Trying to run bjam in that directory gives me : "bjam is not recognized as internal or external command" error.What have I missed here? Should user-config.jam reside in another location?Or bjam added to system path?
Ok.Thanks to @john I had to add bjam to system path.But now,running it,hello_ext.lib is created in \boost_1_55_0\libs\python\example\tutorial\bin\msvc-11.0\debug but not DLL.Based on the tutorial I should get DLL file for the extension.Now, I am not sure how python links with extension.But if I assume it does like C++ then it should have linked with hello_ext.lib.But if run :
python hello.py
which contains imported method from the extension ,the python runtime crashes.Isn't there a comprehensive tutorial on this workflow?Boost doc sucks completely on this.