I have a serial port that recieves some color data from arduino board at 115200 baud rate. At small scale (1-byte request from arduino for pc to send next command, implemented for synchronization) it works fine, but when i request a lot of data (393 bytes) and it sends them, it looks as if serial port just eats data, and BytesToRead usually equals to 5 or 6
void GetCurrentState()
int i = 0;
Color WrittenColor; //Color to write to an array
byte red;
byte green;
byte blue;
AddToQueue(new byte[] { 6 }); //adds command that requests data to a sender queue
while (i <= StripLength) //read data until array is read completly
Console.WriteLine($"Bytes to read: {SerialPort1.BytesToRead}");//Debug
if (SerialPort1.BytesToRead >= 3) //if we have a color ready to read and construct, do it, else wait for more data
red = (byte)SerialPort1.ReadByte(); //Read red part
green = (byte)SerialPort1.ReadByte(); //Read green part
blue = (byte)SerialPort1.ReadByte(); //Read blue part
WrittenColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue); //Make a color
SavedState[i] = WrittenColor; //Write it
i++; //increment counter
event? Why try to reinvent the wheel when someone already did all the hard work for you. I have a feeling you're not reading everything. See docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/… – Baddack