I connected an Arduino Board to Raspberry through an USB port. With a Processing code i want to read 70 bytes sended by arduino. If i use this program on my PC windows it works, but with Raspberry the data that i get from Processing are different from the data sended by arduino. This is the Processing code to read the serial port:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial uart;
byte[] codice= new byte[70];
void setup() {
uart= new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600);
void draw() {
if (uart.available()>0) {
In my case the serial port is "dev/ttyUSB0". I tried also with python in this way:
>>> import serial
>>> ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)
>>> while True:
... print ser.readline()
Also in python there is the same error. I also tried to change the baud rate (115200) with the same result.