Usually when I want to specify url of the entity I have one specific url for it like serverURL/heroes.
But now I have a case where I want to use entity belonging to other entity. For example lets say I want to use weapons of heroes. My http urls for swords look something like: serverURL/heroes/heroID/weapons. So lets say I need to add new sword, my only option is to add it to a specific hero, so I need to know heroesID and sword information to do something like: HTTP POST'serverURL/heroes/heroID/weapons', swordObject);
Currently when I just add heroes url in entityHttpResourceUrls in DefaultDataServiceConfig. You can see the example on stackblitz. go to app->store->entity-> entity-store.module.ts. that's where I usually specify the url.
How do I approach my case? how can I have dynamic urls for child entities?
from what I've found in this issue, ngrx-data doesn't support parameters yet.