I start using Ngrx-data not along time ago...I supposed you can create selectors in other ways.
However, I will explain how I used to do for entities coming directly from our model, cache and so on ... What I am doing is importing the service in the constructor
constructor(private myModelsService: myModelEntityService) { }
And then for example getting all the entities with
this.entities$ = this.myModelsService.entities$;
Finally, to solve your problem that it is just to take a saved entity from your store or as is the same rescuing from the observable of entities; I would catch the entity up like below
this.myEntity$ = this.myModelsService.entities$.pipe(mergeAll(), take(n), last())
Basically, your are doing an emission for every entities with mergeAll (decomposing an array), cutting them with take and setting the "n" that you want (let's say you need the third element, then n="3") and completing the emissions with last so you just have this element.
I hope it helps you or may give you the right direction.