I am new to Oracle Apex. I am trying to create a 3 column page with 3 regions for tree structure, master detail screen and customized buttons respectively. I was able to create Tree in one page and Master-Detail in different page. When I bring them into one page, tree is not displayed.
When I click on any node of tree I am redirected to master-detail page and data is shown. But I need to display Master-Detail in same page where my tree is present but in a new region instead of redirecting to new page.
SQL Query of tree:
select case
when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then
when level = 1 then
end as status
,name as title
,null as icon
,id as value
,null as tooltip
,'f?p='||:APP_ID||':'||4||':'||:APP_SESSION as link
from (
select to_char(d.DEPARTMENT_ID) id
,to_char(null) parent_id
union all
select t.DEPARTMENT_ID || '_' || task_configuration_id
start with parent_id is null
connect by parent_id = prior id
The same query works when creating a tree as new page, but doesn't work when included in Master-Detail page(made 'NULL' as Link in select list). Am I missing any configuration! please help.. Also, any help on creating the 3rd column for including custom buttons region will be a great help.