
I have developed a master - detail form with a master report. I have a filter on the master Report which is successfully excluding rows as in they not displayed. So I have for example 5 out of 10 rows in table A displayed.

My problem is when I select a row, click on it, it navigates to the Master Detail Screen (the Master Region has navigation buttons) I get all rows, i.e. it says 1/10. Is there any way I can exclude the filtered out rows in Master Navigation?

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1 Answers


I'm not entirely clear on what your problem is.

It sounds like you have a report page and a form page - is that it? Not really a master-detail (like Department-Employees) but many Employees vs a single Employee?

If so Does the report page use page items to filter the rows? And does the form page have a process of type "Form Pagination" to step through rows?

If all my assumptions are correct, then you can make the rows you can page through in the form page match the report filter by setting the "Runtime Where Clause" property of the "Form Pagination" process to match the WHERE clause of the report page, and reference the report page's filter items e.g.

(:P1_DEPTNO is null or deptno = :P1_DEPTNO)