I need a custom pagination but in my case, i do not use eloquent for fetching data. I use an API where i fetch data.
I've been dealing with Pagination class, but as far as i know, it takes a collection and paginate it. That's not what i need.
What i need is creating a paginate object based on a subset of records gotten by a search query. Let's say such query has a total of 10000 records and I only get an array of 50 items, so each paginate has 50 elements. So, i need to create the pagination links based on this info.
Is there any way of accomplish it?
$models = array('total' => $n_results,
'per_page' => 30,
'current_page' => 1,
'last_page' => ceil($n_results/30),
'next_page' => "******",
'prev_page' => "******",
'from' => 1,
'to' => 30,
'data' => $items);
{"data": [...],"links": {"first":...,"last":...,"prev":...,"next":...},"meta": {...}}
is not an option, isn't? – victorf