
What is the meaning of the below output values from the jlt report run from command-line in non-GUI mode?

  1. timeStamp
  2. elapsed
  3. bytes
  4. sentBytes
  5. grpThreads
  6. allThreads
  7. Latency
  8. IdleTime
  9. Connect

What sort of calculation metrics can we arrive at using the output of the jtl file?


2 Answers


You need to read Listeners doc

timeStamp - in milliseconds since 1/1/1970

elapsed - in milliseconds

connect - time to establish connection

latency - time to first response

IdleTime - number of milliseconds of 'Idle' time (normally 0)

bytes - number of bytes in the sample

sentBytes - number of bytes sent for the sample

grpThreads - number of active threads in this thread group

allThreads - total number of active threads in all groups


Normally you should not be analyzing the raw .jtl results file, it is more handy to go for one of the following approaches:

  1. Open the .jtl results file using a Listener of your choice using JMeter GUI
  2. Generate HTML Reporting Dashboard from the .jtl results file like:

    jmeter -g /path/to/your/results.jtl -o /path/to/folder/with/html/report
  3. Generate tables (in CSV format) and charts using JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool like:

    JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv AggregateReport.csv --input-jtl /path/to/your/results.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport 
  4. Use online analysis solutions like BM.Sense