I'm currently running JMeter in Non-GUI mode via:
"apache-jmeter/bin/jmeter -n -t $testPlan.jmx -l results.jtl"
When the tests finish running, the results.jtl file contains something like this:
1379545163610,186,HTTP Request,403,Forbidden,Service 1-30,text,false,239,186
It appears that it's using a default configuration for what should be outputted, but what if I'm interested in seeing only the latencies per line instead this big csv value? I know that when you use JMeter in GUI mode, and when you add a new listener such as "View Results In Table", you can configure what exactly should be written to the resulting jtl file such as response code, latency, thread name, etc.
I just want the latency data, however. How can configure this through this command line instead of through the GUI?