So I'm trying to set up a vlookup that will look up a value of a list, but it returns an array instead of a value.
For example:
- if A then return the range A1:C1
- if B then return the range A2:C2
as an array.
I'm trying to use this in the networkdays function for the holidays section so I can look up a business and return the range that has all the holidays the business is closed for.
I've tried to just create a column with the array of dates in it. Such as Column B is {=C1:E1} where the holidays are listed in cells C1, D1, and E1, but this only ever returns the first value instead of the whole list in the array.
NETWORKDAYS("Start Date","End Date",VLOOKUP("Business",Sheet1!A:B,2,))
Where Sheet1 is the sheet containing a list of businesses in column A and Column B is the array of holidays listed in C:E
Sheet 1 set up
Business {=C1:E1} 1/1/2019 5/1/2019 7/4/2019