I'm trying to use a FOR loop in VBA to loop through a sheet and use VLookup to determine values based on each range. Basically the sheet is set up where I have 14 ranges, and each range is 2 columns (date and value) set up like this: Sample Data
This code loops through each range and performs a VLookup to return the value, or returns -1 if there's no value.
The problem I'm having is this works with the first row of data, but all of the rows thereafter are returning -1.
Sub Format(inSheet As String, outSheet As String, lastAvail as Date, maxRows as Long)
Do While curDate <= lastAvail
For x = 2 To (maxRows - 1) * 2 Step 2
' Get value of current data series
Range(Cells(8, x - 1), Cells(8, x)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Set lookupRange = Selection
val = Application.VLookup(curDate, Worksheets(inSheet).Range(lookupRange.Address), 2, False)
If IsError(val) Then
Cells(curRow, x / 2 + 1).Value = -1
ElseIf IsNumeric(val) Then
Cells(curRow, x / 2 + 1).Value = val
Cells(curRow, x / 2 + 1).Value = Null
End If
curDate = DateAdd("m", 1, curDate)
Cells(curRow, maxRows + 1).Value = curDate - 1
curRow = curRow + 1
val = ""
curDate = DateAdd("m", 1, curDate)
while your data sample is only a set of days in the same month (January)? – Tom K..Select
, which may help generally. – BruceWayne