
I'm trying to use a FOR loop in VBA to loop through a sheet and use VLookup to determine values based on each range. Basically the sheet is set up where I have 14 ranges, and each range is 2 columns (date and value) set up like this: Sample Data

This code loops through each range and performs a VLookup to return the value, or returns -1 if there's no value.

The problem I'm having is this works with the first row of data, but all of the rows thereafter are returning -1.

Sub Format(inSheet As String, outSheet As String, lastAvail as Date, maxRows as Long)
Do While curDate <= lastAvail
    For x = 2 To (maxRows - 1) * 2 Step 2
        ' Get value of current data series
        Range(Cells(8, x - 1), Cells(8, x)).Select
        Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
        Set lookupRange = Selection
        val = Application.VLookup(curDate, Worksheets(inSheet).Range(lookupRange.Address), 2, False)
            If IsError(val) Then
                Cells(curRow, x / 2 + 1).Value = -1
            ElseIf IsNumeric(val) Then
                Cells(curRow, x / 2 + 1).Value = val
                Cells(curRow, x / 2 + 1).Value = Null
            End If

    curDate = DateAdd("m", 1, curDate)
    Cells(curRow, maxRows + 1).Value = curDate - 1
    curRow = curRow + 1
    val = ""
Have you tried stepping through it to see what is happening in the loops?PartyHatPanda
I'm not a 100% sure, but aren't you adding a month on curDate = DateAdd("m", 1, curDate) while your data sample is only a set of days in the same month (January)?Tom K.
Also, it's best to avoid .Select, which may help generally.BruceWayne
Apart form anything else, you are changing the lookup range every iteration of the loop: you really only want to change the lookup value (what you are searching for in the table).matt_black
@BruceWayne just out of curiosity, what would you suggest there? I couldn't figure out a more elegant way to capture the rangeJim S

1 Answers


Thanks for your help guys, It turns out that when I increment curDate with DateAdd , it changes the format so VLookup doesn't recognize that it's matching the actual data. I converted curDate to a Long right before the VLookup and everything worked itself out.