I have an Eclipse project that I am trying to build using Maven, with JAR files that reside on my private Artifactory server and a few other Maven repositories.
In my POM file (prior to adding my Artifactory repository) I had the repositories specified:
<name>Atlassian 3rdParty</name>
<name>ICM Repository</name>
The repositories enable me to access several libraries that I need for the build, including (but not exclusively):
I have a couple of JAR files that I would like to access from my Artifactory server. These files are in a repository I created called Factor_Snapshot, and there are two of them: factorbase-1.0.0.jar and lowerbase-1.0.0.jar.
In order to get everything through Artifactory (properly using it as a proxy for the remore repositories, I added those repositories to Artifactory. I then used the "set me up" link in an attempt to generate proper entries for the POM file.
One thing I noticed was that I cannot seem to get the generated entries to include the Factor_Snapshot repository. generated entries only seem to include the libs-release and libs-snapshot repos that were there before. When I click on Generate Maven Settings and select a snapshot, I am only allowed to select libs-snapshot, gradle-dev, libs-release, etc. My snapshot repo, Factor_Snapshot, cannot be selected. The generated settings are shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.1.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0"
<password>${security.getEscapedEncryptedPassword()!"*** Insert encrypted password here ***"}</password>
<password>${security.getEscapedEncryptedPassword()!"*** Insert encrypted password here ***"}</password>
<snapshots />
<snapshots />
Of course, since there doesn't seem to be a settings.xml file for putting in active profiles in Eclipse, I doubted that I could use this file anyway. Also: it is unclear how to get the encrypted passwords referenced in the file.
I added the following dependencies, based on how I saw them organized on my Artifactory server:
I believe I set them up correctly. I did get error messages once I saved the POM file saying that the artifacts lowerbase:jar and factorbase:jar were missing. This was expected because I hadn't put in the repository declaration yet.
I did end up guessing about the repo declaration, so I created the following entries in my POM file, based on Artifactory documentation and the way the repo was set up:
<name>Atlassian 3rdParty</name>
<name>ICM Repository</name>
But when I added the Factor_Snapshot repository, now I get failures saying all the JAR file artifacts are missing -- even the factorbase and lowerbase artifacts!
I know I am missing something in the configuration, but I don't know what.
How do I configure Artifactory and my POM file so I can get all my necessary JARs?