I had similar needs and used the script by Jettro (above) as a starting point to manage our artifacts by marking their state as a property (e.g. tested, releasable, production) and then deletes old artifacts based on the number of artifacts in each state.
The script file itself and useful adjunct files can be obtained from:
The readme is:
Invoke with:
groovy ArtifactoryProcess.groovy [--dry-run] [--full-log] --function <func> --value <val> --web-server http://YourWebServer --repository yourRepoName --domain <com/YourOrg> Version1 ...
--domain domain : Name of the domain to scan.
--dry-run : Don't change anything; just list what would be done
--full-log : Log miscellaneous steps for processing artifacts
--function function : function to perform on artifacts
--maxInState maxInState : name of csv file with states and max counts, optional
--must-have mustHave : property required before applying delete, mark,
download or clear, optional
--password password : Password to use to access Artifactory server.
--repository repoName : Name of the repository to scan.
--targetDir targetDir : target directory for downloaded artifacts
--userName userName : userName to use to access Artifactory server
--value value : value to use with function above, often required
--web-server webServer : URL to use to access Artifactory server
Example: groovy ArtifactoryCleanup.groovy --domain domain --dry-run --full-log --function function --maxInState maxInState.csv --must-have mustHave --password password --repository repoName --targetDir targetDir --userName userName --value value --web-server webServer 1.0.1 1.0.2
Supported functions include [clear, delete, config, download, mark, repoPrint]
Columns in config csv files can be [repoName, targetDir, maxInState, domain, value, userName, mustHave, webServer, password, function]
The ArtifactoryProcess script can be used in a couple of main modes as well as
a sort of hyper mode.
The first mode is to mark sets of artifacts as being in a particular state, e.g.
groovy.bat ArtifactoryProcess.groovy --function mark --value production --web-server http://YourWebServer/ --repository yourRepoName --domain <com.YourOrg> --userName fill-in-userID --password fill-in-password 1.0.45-zdf
would mark all artifacts in yourRepoName with a version of 1.0.45-zdf as
being in production.
The other mode is to cleanup old artifacts. This could be done in two stages
where previously marked artifacts are deleted and then additional artifacts
would be marked for deletion on the next run.
Whether the cleanup is done in two stages or one, the different states in which
an artifact can be is defined in a comma separated value (csv) file which has
the name of the state and the number of artifacts to retain in that state. The
last entry in the MaxInState.csv file is an unnamed state and is the maximum
number of otherwise unmarked artifacts should be retained.
There is also a hyper-mode (function config) where each step of a clean up is
read from a comma separated value (csv) file. In this case the first line will
name the parameters which are to be specified and the values for each step will
be in the following lines. It is recommended that parameters like user ID and
password be passed on the command line, not in the config file.
To run the script, it can be run from the git root as suggested above. However,
this requires that groovy 2.3 or higher be installed (parameters to closure
support was added then and is required for the closure implementation used).
This requires that your JVM be at least 1.7. If you do not wish to install
groovy on your server, you can comment out the @Grapes sections at the top (oh
for the conditional compilations of c days gone) and build the required jar file
with 'gradlew build'. You can then run the utility with something like:
java -jar build/libs/artifactoryProcess-run.jar --dry-run --full-log --function mark --value tested --web-server http://YourWebServer/ --repository yourRepoName --domain <com.YourOrg> --userName fill-in-userID --password fill-in-password 1.0.45-zdf
The main script is:
package artifactoryProcess
import com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvIterator
import groovy.util.logging.Log
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.Artifactory
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.Repositories
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.impl.RepositoryTypeImpl
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.DownloadableArtifact;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.ItemHandle;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.PropertiesHandler;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.Folder
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.ExampleMode;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams;
import groovy.transform.stc.SimpleType;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.ArtifactoryClient;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.RepositoryHandle;
import com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser;
@GrabResolver(name='jcenter', root='http://jcenter.bintray.com/', m2Compatible=true),
@Grab(group='net.sf.json-lib', module='json-lib', version='2.4', classifier='jdk15' ),
@Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7'),
@Grab( group='com.xlson.groovycsv', module='groovycsv', version='1.0' ),
@GrabExclude(group='org.codehaus.groovy', module='groovy-xml')
@Grapes( [
@Grab(group='org.kohsuke.args4j', module='args4j-maven-plugin', version='2.0.22'),
@GrabExclude(group='org.codehaus.groovy', module='groovy-xml')
@Grab(group='org.jfrog.artifactory.client', module='artifactory-java-client-services', version='0.13'),
@GrabExclude(group='org.codehaus.groovy', module='groovy-xml')
class ArtifactoryProcess {
public static final Set< String > validFunctions = [ 'mark', 'delete', 'clear', 'download', 'config', 'repoPrint' ];
public static final Set< String > validParameters = [ 'function', 'value', 'mustHave', 'targetDir', 'maxInState', 'webServer', 'repoName', 'domain', 'userName', 'password' ];
@Option(name='--dry-run', usage='Don\'t change anything; just list what would be done')
boolean dryRun;
@Option(name='--full-log', usage='Log miscellaneous steps for processing artifacts')
boolean fullLog;
@Option(name='--function', metaVar='function', usage="function to perform on artifacts")
String function;
@Option(name='--value', metaVar='value', usage="value to use with function above, often required")
String value;
@Option(name='--must-have', metaVar='mustHave', usage="property required before applying delete, mark, download or clear, optional")
String mustHave;
@Option(name='--targetDir', metaVar='targetDir', usage="target directory for downloaded artifacts")
String targetDir;
@Option(name='--maxInState', metaVar='maxInState', usage="name of csv file with states and max counts, optional")
String maxInState;
@Option(name='--web-server', metaVar='webServer', usage='URL to use to access Artifactory server')
String webServer;
@Option(name='--repository', metaVar='repoName', usage='Name of the repository to scan.')
String repoName;
@Option(name='--domain', metaVar='domain', usage='Name of the domain to scan.')
String domain;
@Option(name='--userName', metaVar='userName', usage='userName to use to access Artifactory server')
String userName;
@Option(name='--password', metaVar='password', usage='Password to use to access Artifactory server.')
String password;
ArrayList<String> versionsToUse = new ArrayList<String>();
class PathAndDate{
String path;
Date dtCreated;
class StateRecord {
String state;
int cnt;
List< PathAndDate > pathAndDate;
@SuppressWarnings(["SystemExit", "CatchThrowable"])
static void main( String[] args ) {
try {
new ArtifactoryProcess().doMain( args );
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
println( "Unexpected error: ${throwable}" )
List< StateRecord > stateSet = [];
Artifactory srvr;
RepositoryHandle repo;
private int numProcessed = 0;
String firstFunction;
String lastConfig;
void doMain( String[] args ) {
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser( this );
try {
if( function == 'config' && value == null ) {
throw new CmdLineException("You must provide a config.csv file as the value if you specify the config function.");
firstFunction = function;
if( function == 'config' ) {
} else {
} catch(CmdLineException ex) {
System.err.println("groovy ArtifactoryProcess.groovy [--dry-run] [--full-log] --function <func> --value <val> --web-server http://YourWebServer --repository libs-release-prod --domain <com/YourOrg> Version1 ...");
System.err.println(" Example: groovy ArtifactoryProcess.groovy"+parser.printExample(ExampleMode.ALL)+" 1.0.1 1.0.2");
System.err.println(" Supported functions include ${validFunctions}" );
System.err.println(" Columns in config csv files can be ${validParameters}" );
String stateLims;
if( maxInState != null && maxInState.size() > 0 ) stateLims = "(using stateLims)" else stateLims = "(no stateLims)"
println( "Started processing of $function with ${(value==null)?mustHave:value} $stateLims on $webServer in $repoName/$domain with $versionsToUse." );
withClient { newClient ->
srvr = newClient;
if( function == 'repoPrint' ) printRepositories();
else {
def processRepo() {
numProcessed = 0;
repo = srvr.repository( repoName );
processArtifactsRecursive( domain );
if( dryRun ) {
println "$numProcessed folders would have been $function[ed] with $value.";
} else {
println "$numProcessed folders were $function[ed] with $value.";
def processConfig() {
File configCSV = new File( value );
lastConfig = value;
Artifactory mySrvr = srvr;
configCSV.withReader {
CsvIterator csvIt = CsvParser.parseCsv( it );
for( csvRec in csvIt ) {
if (fullLog) println("Step is ${csvRec}");
Map cols = csvRec.properties.columns;
String func = csvRec.function;
def hasFunc = cols.containsKey( 'function' );
def has = cols.containsKey( 'targetDir' );
if( cols.containsKey( 'function' ) && !noValue( csvRec.function ) ) function = csvRec.function ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'value' ) && !noValue( csvRec.value ) ) value = csvRec.value ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'targetDir' ) && !noValue( csvRec.targetDir ) ) targetDir = csvRec.targetDir ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'maxInState' ) && !noValue( csvRec.maxInState ) ) maxInState = csvRec.maxInState;
if( cols.containsKey( 'webServer' ) && !noValue( csvRec.webServer ) ) webServer = csvRec.webServer ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'repoName' ) && !noValue( csvRec.repoName ) ) repoName = csvRec.repoName ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'domain' ) && !noValue( csvRec.domain ) ) repoName = csvRec.domain ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'userName' ) && !noValue( csvRec.userName ) ) userName = csvRec.userName ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'password' ) && !noValue( csvRec.password ) ) password = csvRec.password ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'mustHave' ) ) mustHave = csvRec.mustHave;
withClient { newClient ->
srvr = newClient;
srvr = mySrvr;
def checkParms() {
if( !noValue( maxInState ) ) {
File stateFile = new File( maxInState );
def RC = stateFile.withReader {
CsvIterator csvFile = CsvParser.parseCsv( it );
for( csvRec in csvFile ) {
String state = csvRec.properties.values[ 0 ];
String strCnt = csvRec.properties.values[ 1 ];
if( fullLog ) println( "State ${state} allowed ${strCnt}" );
int count = 0;
if( strCnt.integer ) count = strCnt.toInteger();
if( count < 0 ) count = 0;
stateSet.add( new StateRecord( state: state, cnt: count, pathAndDate: [] ) );
String prefix;
if( firstFunction == 'config' && function != 'config' ) {
prefix = "While processing ${lastConfig} encountered, ";
} else prefix = '';
if( !validFunctions.contains( function ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}Unrecognized function ${function}, function is required and must be one of ${validFunctions}." );
if( function == 'mark' && noValue( value ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide a value to mark with if you specify the mark function." );
if( function == 'clear' && noValue( value ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide a value to clear with if you specify the clear function." );
if( function != 'repoPrint' && noValue( domain ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide a domain to use with the ${function} function." );
if( function == 'download' ) {
if( noValue( targetDir ) ) targetDir = '.';
if( noValue( webServer ) || noValue( userName ) || noValue( password ) || noValue( repoName ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide the webServer, userName, password and repository name values to use." );
if( versionsToUse.size() == 0 && stateSet.size() == 0 && function != 'repoPrint' ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide maxInState or a list of artifacts / versions to act upon." );
Boolean noValue( var ) {
return var == null || var == '';
def printRepositories() {
Repositories repos = srvr.repositories();
List repoList = repos.list( RepositoryTypeImpl.LOCAL );
for( it in repoList ) {
println "key :" + it.key
println "type : " + it.type
println "description : " + it.description
println "url : " + it.url
println ""
private int processArtifactsRecursive( String path ) {
ItemHandle item = repo.folder( path );
if( !path.endsWith( '.xml' ) &&
!path.endsWith( '.jar' ) &&
item.isFolder() ) {
Folder fldr;
fldr = item.info()
} catch( Exception e ) {
println( "Error accessing $webServer/$repoName/$path" );
throw( e );
for( kid in fldr.children ) {
boolean processed = false;
if( stateSet.size() > 0 ) {
if( isEndNode( kid.uri )) {
processed = groupFolders( path + kid.uri );
} else {
versionsToUse.find { version ->
if( kid.uri.startsWith( '/' + version ) ) {
numProcessed += processItem( path + kid.uri );
return true;
} else return false;
if( !processed ) {
processArtifactsRecursive( path + kid.uri );
if( stateSet.size() > 0 ) {
return numProcessed;
private boolean processedThis( String vrsn, kid ) {
if( kid.uri.startsWith('/' + vrsn )) {
numProcessed += processItem( vrsn + kid.uri );
return true;
} else return false;
private boolean isEndNode( String nodeName ){
int firstDot = nodeName.indexOf( '.' );
if( firstDot <= 1 ) return false;
int secondDot = nodeName.indexOf( '.', firstDot + 1 );
if( secondDot <= 0 ) return false;
String firstInt = nodeName.substring( 1, firstDot );
if( !firstInt.isInteger() ) return false;
String secondInt = nodeName.substring( firstDot + 1, secondDot );
if( secondInt.isInteger() ) return true;
return false;
private boolean groupFolders( String path ) {
Map<String, List<String>> props;
stateSet.find { rec ->
ItemHandle folder = repo.folder( path );
if( rec.state.size() > 0 ) {
props = folder.getProperties( rec.state );
if( rec.state.size() <= 0 || props.size() > 0 ) {
PathAndDate nodePathDate = new PathAndDate();
nodePathDate.path = path;
nodePathDate.dtCreated = folder.info().lastModified;
rec.pathAndDate.add( nodePathDate );
return true;
} else return false;
return true;
private boolean processSet() {
for( set in stateSet ) {
int del = set.cnt;
if( set.pathAndDate.size() < del ) {
del = set.pathAndDate.size() }
else {
set.pathAndDate.sort() { a,b -> b.dtCreated <=> a.dtCreated };
while( del > 0 ) {
set.pathAndDate.remove( 0 );
while( set.pathAndDate.size() > 0 ) {
numProcessed += processItem( set.pathAndDate[ 0 ].path );
set.pathAndDate.remove( 0 );
return true;
private int processItem( String path ) {
int retVal = 0;
if( fullLog ) println "Processing folder: ${path}, ${function} with ${value}.";
def RC;
ItemHandle folder = repo.folder( path );
Map<String, List<String>> props;
boolean hasRqrd = true;
if( !noValue( mustHave ) ) {
props = folder.getProperties( mustHave );
if( props.size() > 0 ) hasRqrd = true; else hasRqrd = false;
if( !hasRqrd ) return retVal;
switch( function ) {
case 'delete':
if( !dryRun ) RC = repo.delete( path );
case 'download':
if( folder.isFolder() ) {
Folder item = folder.info();
item.children.find() { kid ->
if( kid.uri.endsWith('.jar') ) {
DownloadableArtifact DA = repo.download( path + kid.uri );
InputStream dlJar = DA.doDownload();
FileWriter lclJar = new FileWriter( targetDir + kid.uri, false );
for( id in dlJar ) { lclJar.write( id ); }
if( fullLog ) println( "Downloaded ${path + kid.uri} to ${targetDir + kid.uri}." );
return true;
case 'mark':
props = folder.getProperties( value );
if( props.size() == 0 ) {
PropertiesHandler item = folder.properties();
PropertiesHandler PH = item.addProperty( value, 'true' );
if( !dryRun ) RC = PH.doSet();
case 'clear':
props = folder.getProperties( value );
if( props.size() == 1 ) {
if( !dryRun ) RC = folder.deleteProperty( value );
println( "Unknown function $function with $value encountered on ${path}.")
if( retVal > 0 ) println "Completed $function on $path with ${(value==null)?mustHave:value}.";
return retVal;
private <T> T withClient( @ClosureParams( value = SimpleType, options = "org.jfrog.artifactory.client.Artifactory" ) Closure<T> closure ) {
def client = ArtifactoryClient.create( "${webServer}artifactory", userName, password )
try {
return closure( client )
} finally {