
I understand try-catch-finally in Powershell, but is there something similar to Python's 'else' clause, in which code runs only if there is not an error?

I'm writing a script that uses invoke-webRequest on a site that goes down frequently. I use try-catch to catch HTTP errors. I also want a block of code to run only if the invoke-webRequest command completes successfully.

    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site1' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site2' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site3' -Method GET
    "This line will execute only if there is an error in the try block"
    "This line will execute only if there is NOT an error in the try block"
    "This code will run regardless of whether there is or is not an error in the try block."

I have this workaround. It uses the catch block to append a notice to the $Error variable:

    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site1' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site2' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site3' -Method GET
    $Error.add("An error occurred in the try loop."}
if($Error[-1] -ne "An error occurred in the try loop."){
    "This code will run only if there is NOT an error in the try block.

This works, but it's awfully ugly. Is there a better way to do this in Powershell?

Maybe you can use if(!$Error){ "An error didn't occur" }.xyz
Any error occuring in Invoke-WebRequest should (depending on your $ErrorActionPreference ofc) trigger the switch to catch block, so why don't you just put the code from else block below Invoke-WebRequest?Robert Dyjas

2 Answers


No, as of v7, PowerShell unfortunately does not offer a Python-like else clause as part of a try / catch statement.

One option is to place the only-if-not caught code at the bottom of your try block, after the commands that may fail - see Zafer Balkan's helpful answer.

If that is undesirable, I suggest the following idiom as a workaround:

# Make sure that even normally non-terminating errors trigger the
# `catch` block below.
# Note that the *first* error that occurs in the `try` block
# will jump to the `catch` block right away - subsequent commands won't execute.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Save the count of errors currently recorded in the automatic $Errors collection.
$errCountBefore = $Error.Count

try {

    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site1' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site2' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site3' -Method GET

catch {
    # Write a custom error to the $Error collection, as the *first* 
    # (most recent) item.
    # Note: If you want the error to also *display*, use `-ErrorAction Continue`.
    Write-Error -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue "An error occurred in the try loop: $_"

if ($errCountBefore -eq $Error.Count) { # No errors occurred.
  "This code will run only if there is NOT an error in the try block."

Note: If you don't write an error in your catch block, use a custom [bool] variable such as $caught that you set to $true in your catch block, and then test for if (-not $caught).

As for what you tried:

$Error.add("An error occurred in the try loop."}

You shouldn't write directly to $Error (which makes the following points moot: don't add strings and don't append to the collection of errors it stores) for the following reasons:

$Error is a so-called automatic variable in PowerShell, which generally means that PowerShell itself manages it, and user code shouldn't modify it directly.

The only exception with respect to $Error is that you may want to clear the collection of errors that have accumulated in the session so far, using $Error.Clear()

Otherwise, PowerShell manages $Error as follows:

  • Any error is automatically logged in $Error, in reverse chronological order (most recent one first).

    • The only exceptions are commands that are invoked with -ErrorAction Ignore and stderr output from external programs.
  • $Error contains only error-record objects (instances of type System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord) that provide structured, detailed information about each error.

Therefore, all your code needs to do in order to record errors in $Error is to either write an error to the error stream with Write-Error, or to throw a script-terminating error with the Throw statement - PowerShell will wrap each error in a System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord instance, if necessary, and prepend to $Error in reverse chronological order.


Well, in your try-catch you have added many different things. The best practices recommend one try block for each of your Invoke-Request commands, since you cannot get which of the sites created the error. But you can just add the line below your code.

    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site1' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site2' -Method GET
    invoke-WebRequest -URI 'http://flakywebsite.com/site3' -Method GET
    "This line will execute only if there is NOT an error in the try block"
    "This line will execute only if there is an error in the try block"
    "This code will run regardless of whether there is or is not an error in the try block."