This is an old question but a solution is still relevant. Here is my generic solution in Java 8 without using any third party library:
public interface RetryConsumer<T> {
T evaluate() throws Throwable;
public interface RetryPredicate<T> {
boolean shouldRetry(T t);
public class RetryOperation<T> {
private RetryConsumer<T> retryConsumer;
private int noOfRetry;
private int delayInterval;
private TimeUnit timeUnit;
private RetryPredicate<T> retryPredicate;
private List<Class<? extends Throwable>> exceptionList;
public static class OperationBuilder<T> {
private RetryConsumer<T> iRetryConsumer;
private int iNoOfRetry;
private int iDelayInterval;
private TimeUnit iTimeUnit;
private RetryPredicate<T> iRetryPredicate;
private Class<? extends Throwable>[] exceptionClasses;
private OperationBuilder() {
public OperationBuilder<T> retryConsumer(final RetryConsumer<T> retryConsumer) {
this.iRetryConsumer = retryConsumer;
return this;
public OperationBuilder<T> noOfRetry(final int noOfRetry) {
this.iNoOfRetry = noOfRetry;
return this;
public OperationBuilder<T> delayInterval(final int delayInterval, final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this.iDelayInterval = delayInterval;
this.iTimeUnit = timeUnit;
return this;
public OperationBuilder<T> retryPredicate(final RetryPredicate<T> retryPredicate) {
this.iRetryPredicate = retryPredicate;
return this;
public final OperationBuilder<T> retryOn(final Class<? extends Throwable>... exceptionClasses) {
this.exceptionClasses = exceptionClasses;
return this;
public RetryOperation<T> build() {
if (Objects.isNull(iRetryConsumer)) {
throw new RuntimeException("'#retryConsumer:RetryConsumer<T>' not set");
List<Class<? extends Throwable>> exceptionList = new ArrayList<>();
if (Objects.nonNull(exceptionClasses) && exceptionClasses.length > 0) {
exceptionList = Arrays.asList(exceptionClasses);
iNoOfRetry = iNoOfRetry == 0 ? 1 : 0;
iTimeUnit = Objects.isNull(iTimeUnit) ? TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS : iTimeUnit;
return new RetryOperation<>(iRetryConsumer, iNoOfRetry, iDelayInterval, iTimeUnit, iRetryPredicate, exceptionList);
public static <T> OperationBuilder<T> newBuilder() {
return new OperationBuilder<>();
private RetryOperation(RetryConsumer<T> retryConsumer, int noOfRetry, int delayInterval, TimeUnit timeUnit,
RetryPredicate<T> retryPredicate, List<Class<? extends Throwable>> exceptionList) {
this.retryConsumer = retryConsumer;
this.noOfRetry = noOfRetry;
this.delayInterval = delayInterval;
this.timeUnit = timeUnit;
this.retryPredicate = retryPredicate;
this.exceptionList = exceptionList;
public T retry() throws Throwable {
T result = null;
int retries = 0;
while (retries < noOfRetry) {
try {
result = retryConsumer.evaluate();
if (Objects.nonNull(retryPredicate)) {
boolean shouldItRetry = retryPredicate.shouldRetry(result);
if (shouldItRetry) {
retries = increaseRetryCountAndSleep(retries);
} else {
return result;
} else {
// no retry condition defined, no exception thrown. This is the desired result.
return result;
} catch (Throwable e) {
retries = handleException(retries, e);
return result;
private int handleException(int retries, Throwable e) throws Throwable {
if (exceptionList.contains(e.getClass()) || (exceptionList.isEmpty())) {
// exception is excepted, continue retry.
retries = increaseRetryCountAndSleep(retries);
if (retries == noOfRetry) {
// evaluation is throwing exception, no more retry left. Throw it.
throw e;
} else {
// unexpected exception, no retry required. Throw it.
throw e;
return retries;
private int increaseRetryCountAndSleep(int retries) {
if (retries < noOfRetry && delayInterval > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
return retries;
Let's have a test case like:
public void withPredicateAndException() {
AtomicInteger integer = new AtomicInteger();
try {
Integer result = RetryOperation.<Integer>newBuilder()
.retryConsumer(() -> {
int i = integer.incrementAndGet();
if (i % 2 == 1) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Very odd exception");
} else {
return i;
.delayInterval(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.retryPredicate(value -> value <= 6)
.retryOn(NumberFormatException.class, EOFException.class)
Assert.assertEquals(8, result.intValue());
} catch (Throwable throwable) {;
from ajava.util.Queue
, which thorws andInvalidElementException
when the queue is empty. Instead of asking if it's empty, I sourround the actions in a try-catch (which under concurrency becomes compulsory even with the previous if). In such a case, in thecatch
block I would ask to refill the queue with more elements and then, retry. Voila. – Andres Farias