I'm using a graph database to establish a relationship between folders, their children and users (be it owners or sharers of the folder).
Here is an example of my structure. Where orange are folders and blue are users. -
What I want my query to achieve: It should return direct children of the folder under query, and while doing so determine if the child folder being returned is being shared.
My query
MATCH (:Folder { name: 'Nick Hamill' })-[:CHILD]->(children:Folder)
WITH children
OPTIONAL MATCH path = (children)<-[*]-(:User)
RETURN children AS model, COUNT(r) > 0 AS shared
So the query works brilliantly (perhaps a little optimisation needed?) when there is a related user (see below), however, the query fails to return any result if there is no user relationship. I personally can't see why this is because it's an optional match, and surely the count could just return empty?
│"model" │"shared"│
│{"name":"Dr. Denis Abshire","created_at":"2019-10-11 13:54:58","id":"c│true │
│f5e084f-d963-35d3-9c6f-fe29b86f6d43","updated_at":"2019-10-11 13:54:58│ │
│"} │ │
The query should be relatively self-explanatory but for the sake of clarity here's some expected outputs -
| Query Folder | Returned Folder | Shared? |
| Miss Dessie Oritz II | Nick Hamill | TRUE |
| Nick Hamill | Dr Denis Abshire | TRUE |
| Samara Russell | Shemar Huels PhD | FALSE |
| Shemar Huels PhD | Hazle Ward | FALSE |
I'm running neo4j 3.5.11 community edition. I feel like this should be a fairly easy solution, I'm just meeting the limits of my extremely limited cypher knowledge.
Appreciate any help!