
I'm trying to get the normal List on the watch with a listRowBackground image on each cell.

But when I set a image as the listRowBackground the corner radius from the standard List disappears (see below).

I've tried to set the background modified in the Cell-View itself, but that results in the same problem. Looking at the Visual View Debugger it seems that the background image, extends well beyond the cell itself.

struct ListView: View {
    @ObservedObject var model: ListModel

    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(self.model.items) { item in
                NavigationLink(destination: PlayerView(item: item)) {
                    ListCell(item: item).frame(height: 100)
                .listRowBackground(Image(uiImage: item.image)


@available(watchOSApplicationExtension 6.0, *)
struct ListCell: View {
    var item: ListItem

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Text("\(self.item.length) MIN . \(self.item.category)")
                .font(.system(.caption, design: .default))
                .padding(.top, 2)

Image: with background image:

w/ background image

Image: without background image:

w/o background image

Have you tried adding the image to the ListCell instead of the ListRowBackground? Could be done with a ZStack so the text goes on top of it. I haven't used it on the watch yet, but with iOS, the ListRowBackground covers from side to side, where the "cell" sits on top of that.ShadowDES
The problem was here to get it to the right size. But combined with .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) this might have worked. Thanks!leoMehlig

3 Answers


This works for me Xcode 11.5, Just add the .clipped() and .cornerRadius(10) modifiers.

List {
         Text("Sample cell text")

Did you try adding clipped() to the NavigationLink?


I figured it out!

I wrapped the image inside of a GeometryReader and added clipped() and cornerRadius(10) to the GeometryReader.

And add buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) to the NavigationLink.

    private func backgroundImage() -> some View {
        return GeometryReader { g in
                .blur(radius: 2)
                .frame(width: g.size.width, height: g.size.height)

and then add .listRowBackground(self.backgroundImage()) to the NavigationLink.