I'm currently doing a Performance testing and having a requirement similar(90%) to following question Ignoring-HTTP-Request-Defaults
Scenario - Total of 200 HTTPs Requests:
- 150 HTTPs Requests should run with Proxy, Port, Username and Password.
- 50 HTTPs Requests should run without Proxy, Port, Username and Password.
To satisfy this requirement, I have created one "HTTP Request Defaults" config element (With Proxy Authentication details) at Project Level and created the 50 separate "HTTP Request Defaults" (Without Proxy Authentication details) for each 50 HTTPs Request.
HTTP Request Default hierarchy screenshot:
So above 50 HTTPs Request Samplers (without Proxy Authentication) is getting failed with the below error message since it's not overriding the globally assigned "HTTP Request Defaults" config element (With Proxy Authentication details)
Response code: Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException Response message: Non HTTP response message: Connect to proxy.usp.com:8080 [proxy.usp.com/] failed: Connection timed out: connect