I have created a new project using the template 'Building a SOAP WebService Test Plan' in jmeter (followed the steps in the tutorial from the apache jmeter website to set this up). The responses aren't being accepted and in the results log I am seeing the message:
1446205258738,20995,Soap Request,Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException,Non HTTP response message: Connection to http://(server name).com refused,Number of Users 1-10,text,false,2273,1,1,0
It's making the connection to http rather than https which I think is why the connection is not being made. Is there anyway to change this? I've tried using the different implementations in the soap request but this hasn't worked, currently using HttpClient4.
Please see the http request details HTTP REQUEST DETAILS
in the text box that saysProtocol [http]:
– RaGe