I have follow structure:
- Main component (renders items via item-service)
- Panel component (contains searching components)
- SerachByTitle component (contains input field for title items)
- SerachBySomething component (contains something input field for something items)
- Panel component (contains searching components)
- Item service
I want to render items (which fit search-request) within Main-component when user inputs title within SerachByTitle-component.
For this purpose I used EventEmitter: Panel-component, SerachByTitle-component and SerachBySomething-component have decorator @Output.
SerachByTitle and SerachBySomething pass data to Panel-component, and Panel-component forms single object-params, and then passes to Main-component.
I ran into a problem when user inputs title - after each keyup Main-component re-render items. I tried to use combination: debounceTime(timeDelay), distinctUntilChanged(), switchMap(), but it don't help me.
What am I doing wrong?
Sorry for my bad English :(
UPD: For understanding my situation I added example. For main-component I used combination: debounceTime(), distinctUntilChanged(), switchMap(). But delay for search does not exist.